Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I realise that I haven't updated this thing in a REALLY long time. Then again, I know of others who've completely given up in blogging. I was actually thinking of trying out Twitter, because I figured that Twitter is a lot like blogging, only in smaller quantity. People still read your thoughts, just not whole stories. Which is probably why there can be misunderstandings from tweets, because the whole story is not written there. A whole truckload of Bollywood stars have twitter now and people are almost being classified into those who tweet and those who don't. Those who don't scoff and sneer at those who do and those who do think that those who don't aren't with it.

I personally think that if Bollywood stars tweet, many of them do so simply for publicity. To promot their upcoming movie. And its quite "coincidental" how certain stars get twitter, just before their latest movie is about to be released. Some stars on the other hand, have twitter because they honestly want to have it to put their thoughts on. To communicate with their fans so they don't seem so untouchable. I think that if stars are more reachable, they don't lose their "coolness" factor, simply cuz you can reach them by tweet. I mean you still see them on screen,and they're still in a whole other country quite far away. And that country is HUGE so the chances of a chance meeting are a million to zero. So yeah the "coolness" factor is still there but not SO present. For me, stars I didn't like before, seem a whole lot more likable now. More likeable=more likely to watch the movie=$$$$$ for them!
So I say everyone get on to twitter, just for the right reasons.

On a whole other note, I really need to go shopping soon. like DESPERATELY
and yes,I am aware of how shallow and boring and bimbotic this post makes me look.
But frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (quote quote from i'm not sure where!)
Besides, I think I've written a fair few "deep" posts to allow me some frivolous ones. I'm all out of "deep" thoughts I'm afraid.

I honestly have nothing else more to say, so I'll just log off and come back to my blog when i have something worthy to say.


P.S. School's started, its recess week now which means a whole 6 weeks have already passed and I still know nothing about my modules. Not a very good sign. Got 4 essays to write and I haven't started on ONE. Lord i'm a lard-ass. need to lose weight too. ARGH.