There was supposed to be the Lunar eclipse, the longest EVER and the moon is SUPPOSED to be reddish-orange from the lack of light and you're supposed to be able to view it.
Being in Singapore unfortunately means that even when you put an alarm and WAKE UP at 3 am and go down to see the moon, its so cloudy and windy that you can't see anything but clouds and get rather scared from the wind.
That's exactly what happened to me. On one hand, the couple of minutes I was down there, walking around the entire block looking up for the moon and only seeing the clouds, it was quite serene. The wind was something to behold though for me, because it was REALLY windy! and the trees were swaying and everything! I was getting cold and scared so I went back up and of COURSE just before I got into the lift I had to remember that in Paranormal Activity, the spirit thingy usually acted up around 3 something in the morning. So of course when I got to my door, I was a little terrified to actually enter.
Viewing literally the "calm before the storm" was at least an experience because it made the howling and the window-shaking even more scary because I felt the wind. So even though I missed out on seeing our orangey-red moon, I still had a little bit of an experience. And now I gotta get some sleep before I have to go and fetch my mum from the airport.
I realise that you worry. That's your job. Apparently when your daughter is 52 kg and only 1.48m tall, she's clearly overweight and needs to be told to stop scarfing down the chips and get to the damn gym. And you're so so right. The thing is, if you knew your daughter well enough, you'd also realise that she's not stupid, she's doing it while being fully aware of her actions and its a damn CHOICE. She knows she has to go to the gym, and even if you don't believe it, she fully intends to go. She just needs some down time from gallavanting about and a BREAK from socialising to get her head straight. You would also realise that she's quite, no in fact VERY insecure about her figure and weight; she just hides it extremely well and frankly is too lazy to REALLY do anything about it. She figures one should be confident of how one looks, NO MATTER what you look like. Inside though, she really really hates her body, DEEP DEEP inside, and wishes she had her sister's skinny flat tummy. So when you go on about how unhealthy she is, how she'll get diabetes from being overweight, and when you question her about her BMI, it does hurt.
She doesn't eat chocolates; not much of a sweet tooth. She was brought up on water not Coke.
She just has a thing for chips. Junk food. basically salty and fried food/snacks. YES its bad, very very VERY bad. She knows this. Somehow she missed out one bad habit and it turned into a monster of a flaw. She has tried cutting down and will do so. She KNOWS she has this very very bad habit and its not good for her. She feels guilty enough. Cliched as it sounds, this bad habit makes her happy(going down very dangerous territory here I know) but she also knows that its an illusion and there are other ways to be happy. She will persevere and stop this bad habit of chips. She just asks you not to go complete commando on her and make her feel like a HUGE FAT LAZY GROSS SLOB THAT WILL NEVER GET A JOB BECAUSE SHE'S FAT AND DOES NOT PRESENT A GOOD IMPRESSION.
Please. I mean she already feels bad enough that she's not going to do Honours and YOU have your bloody 2nd Lower Class Hons and YOU have your bloody MA. She really doesn't need to be told that she's going to get diabetes and never get a good job because she's fat and does not give off a good impression. She's worried enough about her supremely AVERAGE future ahead of her and saddened enough about it without YOU coming in and making it worse. Just because YOU go and jog regularly does NOT give you the right to PREACH to her about being healthy. Unless of course consuming copious amounts of alcohol EVERY WEEK is healthy then by all means, go ahead and PREACH.
Otherwise, SHUT YOUR GOB AND LEAVE HER ALONE. Yes I'm intelligent, yes its a stupid choice to make but you know what? Its my FUCKING choice and it has NOTHING to do with YOU. Unless I'm fucking OBESE, leave my BMI out of our conversation because I still HAVE TIME TO TURN THE FUCKING CLOCK AROUND and get healthy. If my MOTHER can do it, SO BLOODY CAN I.
P.S. I sincerely apologise about the foul foul language but I just couldn't control it any longer. Please avert your eyes and please excuse me. I'm currently in an extremely bad mood.
Because really, making your daughter cry about her bloody eating habits, lack of exercise and basic fattiness has to be at the top of the list of Parenting 101 doesn't it?
Physical:short. quite short. about 148cm. curvy(positive) glasses. BIG smile(usually)
As you can see from the title, I'm curious. not about EVERYTHING, but a number of things. LOVE to laugh, hence comedies are best friends. LOVE to dance, to just about anything. Big on reading, with a rather imaginative mind.