Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Event of the day

So the event of MY day today waaaaaasssss*drumroll please*: Washing the kitchen floor!!! Yupp, you heard me, the most exciting thing that happened to me today was me scrubbing the kitchen floor. And believe it or not, I'm not even being sarcastic. well, okay, a little sarcastic.

Mostly however, I am very very proud of myself. Why you ask? Well because i hate cleaning. My mother would faint fromt he shock that I am actually admitting it because I've always said otherwise. Cleaning to me is definitely necessary but its also one of those things in my life where i ABSOLUTELY dread doing it and would do anything to put it off, and cannot WAIT for it to be done, as I am in the process of doing it, but when it's over, i am excessively happy that i did it.

Like running and exercising. People say You feel energized after running and exercising and that the adrenaline really gets you going. Magazines always say endorphins kick in and you have a pleasent flush on your face. I don't know what exercise they're doing, but that never EVER happens to me. i have to drag myself to the gym or the running track and while I'm running, I'm constantly wishing I'm done. After I finish, I am exhausted and sweaty and cannot wait to have a shower and plop down in front of the tv. so all that stuff about feeling energized and endorphins are lost on me 'cause I dont experience it. However, I DO feel very happy and proud of myself that I did do it, msot probabaly because it was something I dreaded so much but I did it anyway, since its something that's good for me.
I know that the moral of the story that is just so obvious from the above story is not a new message or a new thing. Everyone knows that you're supposed to do things you dread and are reluctant to do, because they're usually good for you, in the long run at least. And believe me, I'm not one to do it all the time. But sometimes, you gotta do things that are not only good for you, but also make other people happy.

While i was on my hands and knees scrubbing, with the Mr. Muscle fumes getting into my nose and making my eyes water(I'm not dramatizing I swear), I thought of how surpprised my mother would be when she walked in and saw the gleaming soft floor.( I SWEAR the floor does gleam and IS softer) I was not disappointed. My mother's jaw dropped when she saw what I had done, and was so happy. It was quite a change from her yelling at me the minute she comes home, usully because of somthing I had not done. I felt really good about that and decided to do things like that more often. Like once, I saw a bunch of roses at the supermarket in her favourite colour and since I had some spare cash, I decided to buy them for her. Again, pleasent surprise.

So at the end of the day, I did something I dreaded doing, not because it was good for me only, but because it made my mother happy. And isn't that soemthing all parents want their kids to do?
All in all, after evaluating today's events, I think today was very eventful. a good day. And good days can be hard to find.


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