Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Okay, haven't updated in a while, and some may be wondering, wow, she's really learnt to control her blogging! Actually, no. And its also not because i've been SOOOOOO busy. I havent' blogged in a while because i'm a) lazy, and b) i have NOTHING to blog about. Well, i didn't. Till now. Obviously. Anyway, i actually had a few thoughts floating around in my head the past few days, but as soon as i got the energy to go near the computer, they floated right out so now, WITH those random thoughts in my head, somewhat securely attached, I'll start writing.
caution: this entry will be random and all over the place, so do try to keep up.

Anyway, i think i have come to the conclusion that my face is quite baby-friendly. Either that or the toddlers i see are very smart at recognising people in general. My "nieces" or actually they're my cousin's daughters can recognise me more easily and even call me shini didi from time to time, though that could be because i visited masi when N went over with the twins a few times, so they probably got used to me. However, today, when i was coming home i saw my neighbour walking in the opposite direction with her youngest daughter, who just so happened to be about the same age as my "nieces" and my neighbour didn't notice me but her daughter did and she smiled and waved at me, before i could even smile back! I mean i've only talked and played with the girl for like some minutes maybe 2 times, and she can actually recognise me! I mean surely that means something! I might seem like i'm obsessing about a small thing, but i just think that babies are the MOST adorable people in the world. And they're very interesting too, like to observe them, and how they grow up and learn. And the universal fact that ALL babies are cute. And they stay cute for a while too! so yeah. That was one thing i wanted to type about here.

The other thing is that i have an interview on thursday with smu for law. I wasn't going to tell many people, but then i thought, why not? Which is probably why i'm putting it up here, even though i don't actually know how many people READ my blog. The thing is, i'm absolutely terrified about the thing. Its group interview WITH an essay test. At first i was just terrified about looking stupid in front of the interviewers because i might say something and have another candidate shoot me down. Then i thought okay, well, if that happens, i'll just stick to my opinion, no matter how studpi it seems. Especially if i really believe in it. So then i wasn't so scared. Then i realised that oh hell, i've forgotten how to write an essay! especially with regards to topics like law and justice, because even when i WAS in jc, i didnt' go near those topics cuz i didn't have enough info and this time, i STILL won't have enough info. So i' panicking about that, and wondering what i'm going to wear, and now i'm realising that i'll probably have to INTERACT with the other candidates at like registration and stuff because there WILL be other people there and i can't do that! I can read up on current affairs and on legal stuff and judiciary systems, and sound and seem confident and stand by my opinion and even write that essay test but i cannot make friends easily. I must have lost that ability within the first few months of jc. Im dead serious. And nobody wants to like be friends with the cold stand-offish person, which is what i'll come off looking as! Urgh you know what. I'm just going to let this go and start my reading. Or at least i will in an hour's time. I'm going off. sorry for the awful entry.


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