Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Angels and Demons

I will do this very quickly because my laptop is dying and I'm too lazy to go and get the wire from the room and plug it in. My brief thoughts on the camp I JUST came back from.

-Very fast-paced, packed chock-full wiht activities
-the activities mostly were ones that I didn't really feel too uncomfortable about, which surprised me because of the warnings I had from another friend who went for another camp earlier.
-Wasn't sure if I would be able to click with my og members, but surprisingly, I could.
-The guys in my group were so protective and nice and sweet towards us girls, always looking out for us.
-I gave it my all, I truly did, I mean I had my special monthly friend visiting me while I took part in those water games, even the ones at the beach.
-I got to do things I always wanted to do either for the first time, or again. Like go swimming at the beach, clubbing and drinking, staying ina room with like 5 girls.
-It truly amazed me that I could function everyday with like 3 hours of sleep.
-I totally shed a few tears when the house i/cs were giving their goodbye speeches, because for some reason I always start tearing whenever I see someone else crying.
-made new friends, ones I think I'll be meeting quite often,( OWEEK ANYONE?)
-OMG I TOTALLY LOST 2KG LA!(sadly, there's a tub of ben&jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the freezer, with literally my name on it and I can feel the rumblings of a hungry person, sounds I've become even more well-accquainted with these past few days.
-have got some injuries, cuz I fell down once and grazed my knee, plus sand abrasions, not to mention the fact that my WHOLE FREAKING BODY HURTS.
-my family actually missed me! mostly because I don't go for camps very often. Well all that's gonna change soon! thinking of going for socio camp.
-my new chapter has officially started, with new people, and new events and activities. I just gotta get out of my shell. FAST.

okay, can't think of anymore, because, I'm exhausted through and through. so before hte laptop dies on me, without this entry being posted up, I'm going off now. Ciao children! Will write again tomorrow!


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