Monday, August 31, 2009


I know I haven't blogged in a while, which is unusual for me. I've just been a leetle bit more busy than usual.

This is going to be a short post. The video that will be up, is not related, not really anyway, to what I'm going to ask.

Of all the 7 Deadly Sins, which do you think are most susceptible to contract?
Here's the list of sins.


A little explaination of what I'm asking. Of all the sins, right, which do YOU think is the one that's in your nature the most? And don't say that you don't have any, because, you're human and humans sin. Its natural and you don't have to be ashamed about it. well you should but at least you don't have to feel alone. And it only becomes bad when you GIVE in to these sinful urges. Or at least go overboard. You don't have to tell me, or anyone for that matter. Just think about it and "reflect". I know I did.

love love


Monday, August 24, 2009

Moving beyond our comfort zone

Today, I discovered a way for me to get home without paying SINGLE CENT.

From school.

I explain. We were supposed to go to temple today at the Sindhu House, because my mum decided recently that we will go ever Monday for Shivan prayers at 7.30. Now, I finish every Monday at 6 because of my GEM lecture/tutorial. So today, she told me and Sister to meet her at Dover MRT station, the SP side, where she'll pick us up. I figured since Dover is RIDICULOUSLY near NUS, there should be a bus going there. Apparently not.

However my brilliant friend A, found out or remembered that NUH has a shuttle bus to Dover. So we waited for like 20 minutes at least for the internal NUS bus A2 which from our bus stop to go to NUH. Then we walked to NUH since the bus stop wasn't located right at the entrance, it took some time to find it. When we get to the queue, we got worried because the queue had like 50 people in it. I could NOT be late otherwise my mother would slaughter me, and so would her mum. And the bus felt like it was taking forever but I suppose it was only 15 minutes. Then this HUGE bus came and oooooohhh we got excited!

Pathetic as it sounds, but we were excited because we actually had hope of getting into the bus instead of waiting another 15 minutes for the next one. I had to jinx it by saying that if the capacity is filled with the last guy in front of me I'll cry, because technically it did. All the seats were taken up and technically it said no standing, but we were already IN the bus and we were desperate. Plus I figured we were young and (fairly) agile so we'll be okay. So we took the shuttle to Dover.

Okay, so far all I have to do is to take the internal bus service A2 to NUH, then get on the FREE shuttle bus from NUH to Dover.

Well obviously you'd think I'd HAVE to take a bus from Dover to my house.


You see, from Dover there is a connecting path to this canal path and this canal path goes all the way to my house. Yes the canal path is 1km long(its written on the path itself) and the connecting path is not short either, but the whole journey costs nothing at ALL! Cool right! Even is nobody thinks its cool, I definitely think so. Of course I'd arrive home all perspiring and stinky, no matter how slow I walk, because Singapore is humid and I perspire easily, like my mother (though of course it could also be my fats causing me to perspire easily but whatever), but that's okay because I'm just going HOME where there's a shower! And its exercise!

Only thing is this plan of a free journey home depends on the internal bus service working and the free shuttle bus working. But!
I'm still very proud and happy for myself *grins widely*

Oh! To justify my title, I shall note that I DID do some exploring of a place I've never been before in NUS. So there!

love love

Friday, August 21, 2009


You know what I miss? I miss the innocence of childhood.

I was walking home from the shop today, after I had bought something "illegal"-i.e. not supposed to eat because I'm not feeling well, and coming out from my block was this little blonde boy with his maid who was pushing his sibling in a pram. He was on a scooter thingy and as he rode past me, he looked up and said "hi". I was surprised but I said "hi" too and then he just rolled on.

Why does this incident make me want to blog?

Well, I miss the ability one had to just say hi to whoever you remotely knew. He said hi to me because I assume he had seen me before and I was headed to the same block that he lived in. Similarly, I run into a number of acquaintances in NUS these days and yea I do say and bye or just smile, but what if we were to say hi to basically anyone I knew was in NUS, who made eye contact with us? I mean without people wondering what the hell is wrong with me of course.

But I guess that's just wishful thinking.

A big sigh.

going off


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I thought it would be weird. Like strange and awkward. Was kind of stressing about it for some time. Well, not exercising THAT much energy on it but, a fair amount. And as usual, I was over-reacting. Had a pretty good time, though there were some external factors involved too.

Overall verdict: I had fun!

Lesson learnt: do not over-react. JUST CHILL.

If only it was that easy for...... THE WORRYWOT!

P.S. urgh, i think i'm getting a sore throat from not drinking enough water. And here I thought I had recovered. Sighs.

love love


Monday, August 17, 2009


I'd like it to be noted that noone bothered to even try and answer my questions that I had posted up a while back in the "Random" post. What, did you think they were ALL rhetoric? I was actually wondering about some of the things I asked about! Humph. This is obviously proof that noone but ME reads this blog.

Oh god, strange bout of grumpiness just came over. Better get off before I type something I'd regret. Going to listen to happy music. and Fall asleep. tata


Does anyone believe in Cupid? I mean who came UP with the concept of Cupid?

Right now I do believe in such a thing as Cupid, but only because I've been watching old episodes of the series Charmed and the last episode I watched had a character who was supposedly Cupid in it. So my brains are a little addled.

But yeah, while I was watching, I wondered, how did we, as in humans, come up with the concept of Cupid? And why? Oh yeah, the more important question is definitely why. Why was there a need to create a character that apparently is in charge of people falling in love? Can't love happen on its own? You see I'm wondering about the logic of creating such a character, not debating on whether or not it exists. I suppose more love is always a good thing, and not just boy-girl love but all kinds of love.

Oh! I know! Cupid may have been created to explain the more strange couples! Not strange, like the people are weird, but like the pairing. In the past. When it wasn't common knowledge that opposites attract. They don't usually work out but they definitely attract. Apparently in the past, people came up with other-worldly beings to reason out why different things were happening to them. Now however, with science explaining to us about every "phenomenon" or strange thing, we no longer believe in these other-worldly beings. Like Santa and the tooth fairy and Cupid, though I'm certainly not in the mood to reason out and explain about the first two.

I personally quite like the idea about Cupid, and believe me, it would definitely explain the weirder pairings of people, but I guess I've been brought up too well in this Science era to believe in such things. Especially when the common image of Cupid is of a cherubic baby with wings and a bow and arrow. I mean seriously. How is a BABY supposed to even know about boy-girl love? Are they trying to make something like "love" more innocent and pretend that lust doesn't exist? I mean isn't it a little disturbing? The idea of a flying baby pairing you and this hottie up?

Sigh. okay, enough rambling. I think its the late night doing it, plus the many many episodes of Charmed. Oh god, second week fo school. And already I feel like I'm behind because of all the reading I HAVEN'T done. Urgh! okay, must be a good girl tmr and wake up early to go and run, and to do the reading and to go for the usher interview and to go for lecture and to buy the textbooks. TO DO MORE READING. BUT BUT BUT, if I don't run tmr, I won't beat myself up over it. If I don't do the rest, I WILL. Good night.



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OH MY GOSH. 10 years or so on and the cough medicine STILL tastes the same! Its amazing isn't it? And it even comes in the EXACT same bottle too!

Let me explain if you're lost. I'm sort of recovering from a cough. Practically cured but I want to be rid of it asap, so I'm taking this medicine. And it looks, and tastes exactly like the one from when I used to take as a child, when I got sick! I remember because when I was a kid, once I was really sick. Fever hit 40 degrees Celcius at one point. After I went to the doctor, I got 2 types of medicine. 1 white, which was kinda powdery, even though its liquid and 1 brown. For some reason, after I took those 2, I puked it out immediately. So yeah, I remember the brown medicine. Which is why taking it today, brought up so so many memories of when I was sick as a child. Of course not pleasent, but still.

Anyway, leaving that awful topic behind, I just thought of a brilliant birthday present for some people to give me! So modest right, and subtle. I say birthday present, because I don't think there's any way for me to get it on my own. People will laugh, but I don't care. Drumroll please...

I want the entire series of Charmed. on DVD.

You heard me. I know people think its lame, but I really LOVE it and I have a craving to watch it all over again! Like RIGHT NOW! urgh. annoying right?

Well, I got nothing else to write, so I'm gonna go. ciao!

love love


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pets vs Kids

I'm not a pet person.

I know this must shock those of you out there who can't believe such people exist, but they do. And I'm one of them. I mean don't get me wrong, I have nothing against animals, I just prefer kids. Well not kids per say, but like babies. I LOVE babies. Like really. I can't wait to have one of my own, though I'm not exactly keen on the labour part, but modern medicine has made that much easier.

I actually don't know why I'm writing this post but I realised that I've felt....well uncomfortable or like guilty that I don't have a desire to get a dog or a cat, whenever I hear friends talka bout their pets. So I suppose this post is to ease that uncomfortableness; to assure myself that its not that I'm an stony-hearted and a person who has no desire to look after or care for snother living being, its just that I simply prefer living beings who can and will eventually talk back to me. Not in the 'rude-talk back' kind of way, but the literal, speak back to you, respond kind of way. If I had a dog ( I really can't imagine it but whatever), and I talked to it (I so would, cuz I'd event talkt to inanimate objects like computers, what more actual breathing, and moving creatures like dogs), I'd want the dog to talk back and respond, and not have me guess his/her expressions and imagine what the dog could be thinking. It'd drive me nuts! Literally over the bend I think!

Which is why kids right, even though when they get older, they can cause you much MUCH MUCH greif, and they can be ungrateful and just plain disgusting as children, technically, when raised properly, can actually make for pretty good companions. Plus, you can get grandchildren from them and when you're in your 60s and 70s, you tend to appreciate little children much more, I don't know why.

I think I've managed to be rid of the strange feelings enough to finish up this post. Time for me to go and cough in peace. tata.

love love



Hello all! I think I'm ridiculously cheery for someone who's been confined to the book room of the house, with no one to talk to and made to eat soggy veggies and take disgusting vitamins, but technically, all is good in my life. Yes, yesterday I had a slight fever, along with a headache and cough, when I decided to come back early from the last day of orientation, but that cleared up quite quickly after I took Panadol Flu Max ( its really brilliant; thank goodness its the first time I'm taking it so it actually works, unlike stupid Panadol Flu). I've taken my temperature about a hundred times, since then and so far the highest temp I've had is 37.3. In case anyone's wondering, when I had come home yesterday, my temperature was 37.8, so it wasn't as serious as it could have been.

But I'm still being isolated, and luckily, the sofa in the book room's comfortable enough. I'm also not allowed to go out anywhere (duh!), even though I'm dying to maybe go shopping and or at least put my kirchi in my account so I wouldn't be tempted to spend it. Its got to last me till Diwali, cuz I ain't getting any kirchi for Satayne next week. If some of you don't understand what the hell I'm talking about, just ask in the tag board or leave a comment.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why the title of the post is HARRY POTTER but there hasn't been anything mentioned about him. Well, I just like to start differently. I watched the new Harry Potter movie last week, in the theatre of course and I was surprised. Those who had watched it before me said it sucks and there was stuff that was wrong and that didn't happen in the book. While I admit, that yes, you shouldn't put things that didn't happen in the book, in the movie, since you're supposed to be adapting it. So I didn't really appreciate it when I saw the Burrow explode in flames. However, I also think that you really have to seperate the book from the movie in situations when the film is supposed to be an adaptation. (this is assuming that the Harry Potter movies are supposed to BE an adaptation and not the actual full and correct story on film). I am glad that they did do the cave scenes almost exactly as I had pictured it. I'm a little sad that they didn't show the duelling going on in the Castle though.

I enjoyed it mostly because I got to see the kisses, actually happen, though the one between Ginny and Harry was rather chaste and there wasn't any indication that they were ever together before they broke up so yeah. The kiss I'm waiting to see, is of course between Ron and Hermione. I'm also glad because, it was nice remembering the story again and seeing it on the screen, especially with that wonderful scenery behind. I do recommend people to watch it, if you haven't yet. Just don't expect it to be exactly the same as the book.

However on that note, if the directors decide to leave anything crucial out of the 7th book, let me declare it now that I will not be happy. I LOVE the 7th book. So yeah.

going off now


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Random stuff

Why is it "lady" luck? why female?

If you had a crush on someone, like really really long time ago, and for a seemingly endless period of time, and eventually, you decide that you're over that person, why is that whenever you meet that person, you still get nervous? like THAT kind of nervous?

Did you know that a Brazilian girl can look 100% Indian, such that she can play a Punjabi girl in a Hindi movie? Awesome huh?

Did you also know that I'm not very good with guys? As in, like conversation and just talking? I'm completely comfortable with very few guys, one of them being my close friend T. This isn't going to be a whole post on him, because I'm not sure how he'd feel about that but, I just want to say that, I really do appreciate having him as a friend. I can tell him pretty much anything, things I don't know if I tell my sister or not. And don't get me wrong, we are REALLY just friends, and will always be ONLY friends. No extra feelings in that direction AT ALL. I want to be very clear about that. like CRYSTAL CLEAR. He's always cheering me up and telling me I'm not fat (and as a girl, I appreciate that 100%)

But still, I'm definitely not good with making conversation with guys. I guess I'm shy. Have no idea how I'll meet anyone, you know, like a potential SOMEONE. Sigh. I'm also a bit shy when it comes to making friends with Indians. No idea why. Like the initial break-ice part. After that, I'm good, usually. Its just the first part, the introduction. That's not to say I'm unfriendly. I'm quite nice and friendly. I just go quiet and shy a lot of the time. Especially in new situations. LIKE UNIVERSITY.

This is probably a stupid question, but can all animals sneeze?

Are dark chocolate digestives less fattening than milk chocolate digestives?

How the HELL did Fran Dresher keep up such a FABULOUS body, when she was well into her 30s and 40s, on the show The Nanny? And this was slightly before the year 2000 mind you. I mean seriously.

Those couples who elope, do they every resume contact with they're relatives, and family? Like lets say the girl's family disapproved of the match but the boy's side approved. Does she ever see her family again?

Reputation is something everyone has, unlike money, and its fragile, because it can be tarnished and just basically destroyed very easily. However, I think Shakespeare was a little wrong in saying that the other man doesn't become richer if he destroys one man's rep. He doesn't become richer in terms of material wealth, but he can still gain from destroying the other man's rep. Reputation is actually quite interesting because everyone, all kinds of people have reps, and they mean different things to the different sets of people in that person's life. No wait, that's more of image. Or is that the same thing?

Okay, enough. Brain tired. night night.

love love


I heard this song over the radio, quite a long time ago. Only managed to find it now. hilarious no?

thoughts on orientation

Hello all! I haven't update the blog in a while, because I've been busy with orientation and bidding of modules and stuff. I decided not to go today for one of the orientation projects because i'm just too too tired, plus I really don't want to spend my transport money. Its very precious to me, that money, because it disappears like water vapour I swear. Which is why I'm sittting at home, slacking off, when I'm supposed to be doing the chores.

I just wanted to note down some experiences and my thoughts on these experiences.
Like the fact that I stayed up all monday night, and then spent tuesday doing flag day. Like actually functioning, with no sleep till like 8pm on tuesday. That had never happened before, so I'm actually proud of that. Of course, I was exhausted and so, I wasn't my usual normal, sweet and nice self. I think when I'm that tired, I may get a little bitchy. The fact that flagging was an absolute failure, because of the crowd that I had, didn't help. I felt quite invisible most of the time, although major props to those who DID donate. I myself put in like 4 or 5 dollars.

When I got home, I was so tired, I apparently just fell asleep on the dining table itself. I have no idea how I even got to my bed, but I did somehow. Sighs. Oh god, my post is so boring, even i'm falling asleep! I'm just distracted by the tv I guess. Well, sorry about this pitiful entry, will hopefully be better next time!



p.s. I THINK I GOT DARKER FROM THE BEACH DAY AT SENTOSA YESTERDAY! you should see my feet! thankfully, I always thought i'd look better if I were a shade or two darker. I might not actually look good, but i definitely think so, so whatever. and omg, 7th heaven is SO preachy. like really really bad. its almost painful to watch. and its so obvious, when they repeat the moral of the story like 10 times during the episode.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hello hello. I think I've talked about death before on this blog, but I can't remember if I mentioned these things or not, so I'll talk about them here.

What happens AFTER we die? Its a question MANY MANY people have been asking since, they figured out what dying meant. Lots of organizations believe in different things. The science people, believe that simply, your heart stops beating, ie. no more bloody being supplied to your brain and other organs, and your brain dies and you simply stop functioning as a human being. I THINK, note , I said think not I know that religions such as Christianity and Islam believe in Heaven and Hell, which is, I think, where the souls of the people go, depending on how they lived their lives on Earth. I also THINK that Hindus, believe in reincarnation, and that depends on your karma, which depends on your deeds. Now I'm not an expert on World Religion or anything like that, but I am a Hindu, and I really DO believe in re-incarnation and karma. Those concepts truly seem logical to me. And by right, if anyone had sense, they wouldn't fight with me on this, because its faith and faith, cannot be PROVEN. If something seems logical to you, or it appeals to you and you believe in its concept, then people shouldn't fight about that topic. Especially when nothing can be proven, because if there's one thing that all the organizations agree on, its that you CAN'T COME BACK FROM THE DEAD.

This is why people should never argue or discuss religion loudly and forcefully, but be open minded and tolerant and not to force your opinions and beliefs or other people. If people had realised this and mastered this, many many people's lives could have been saved. To me, karma makes sense because its simple. You do bad things, you collect bad karma and eventually, you'll deserve what you get, which comes in, in the reincarnation part, where you might nto come back as humans, since being human is the highest level. And vice versa for when and if you do good deeds. And the reincarnation makes sense because in MY mind, its always like, "you mean it doesn't get crowded in Heaven and Hell? and where do the soul parts of us come from?" you know? Yeah, my brain can't wrap itself around that.

You're probably wondering why on Earth am I talking about THIS, now, of all times. Well, its bee floating aorund in my head for a while and I finally came up with a right way for phrasing it such that people (i hope!) don't get offended. If anyone has been offended by anything I wrote, I do apologise. That wasn't my intention at all.

I'm actually quite tired now, and I have a whole week of orientation activities to go through. Looking foward to them I think.

For some very strange reason, I have this bhajan from this morning's ashadivar in my head. Its like stuck and it keeps going round and round. Its never happened before, let me tell you that. Oh well, bhajans can't be bad right? okay, tata, yawning already. night night!
