Monday, August 17, 2009


Does anyone believe in Cupid? I mean who came UP with the concept of Cupid?

Right now I do believe in such a thing as Cupid, but only because I've been watching old episodes of the series Charmed and the last episode I watched had a character who was supposedly Cupid in it. So my brains are a little addled.

But yeah, while I was watching, I wondered, how did we, as in humans, come up with the concept of Cupid? And why? Oh yeah, the more important question is definitely why. Why was there a need to create a character that apparently is in charge of people falling in love? Can't love happen on its own? You see I'm wondering about the logic of creating such a character, not debating on whether or not it exists. I suppose more love is always a good thing, and not just boy-girl love but all kinds of love.

Oh! I know! Cupid may have been created to explain the more strange couples! Not strange, like the people are weird, but like the pairing. In the past. When it wasn't common knowledge that opposites attract. They don't usually work out but they definitely attract. Apparently in the past, people came up with other-worldly beings to reason out why different things were happening to them. Now however, with science explaining to us about every "phenomenon" or strange thing, we no longer believe in these other-worldly beings. Like Santa and the tooth fairy and Cupid, though I'm certainly not in the mood to reason out and explain about the first two.

I personally quite like the idea about Cupid, and believe me, it would definitely explain the weirder pairings of people, but I guess I've been brought up too well in this Science era to believe in such things. Especially when the common image of Cupid is of a cherubic baby with wings and a bow and arrow. I mean seriously. How is a BABY supposed to even know about boy-girl love? Are they trying to make something like "love" more innocent and pretend that lust doesn't exist? I mean isn't it a little disturbing? The idea of a flying baby pairing you and this hottie up?

Sigh. okay, enough rambling. I think its the late night doing it, plus the many many episodes of Charmed. Oh god, second week fo school. And already I feel like I'm behind because of all the reading I HAVEN'T done. Urgh! okay, must be a good girl tmr and wake up early to go and run, and to do the reading and to go for the usher interview and to go for lecture and to buy the textbooks. TO DO MORE READING. BUT BUT BUT, if I don't run tmr, I won't beat myself up over it. If I don't do the rest, I WILL. Good night.



1 comment:

  1. cupid is not a baby, he just looks like one! i think people made up cupid so that they'd have someone to blame when things go wrong. like "why did i fall for him? well it wasn't my fault, cupid did it and i couldn't help it." more than explaining weird pairings, i think. if that makes sense :D


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