Monday, November 9, 2009

too much don't ya think?

A lot of people think talking about Hollywood and Bollywood is extremely shallow. Like people wouldn't be caught dead discussing the lives of the actors and actresses in these industries. I on the other hand, don't think so. Of course I do understand why people think its shallow. I mean technically, these people that we discuss, don't even know WE exist and also, their life is THEIR life. WE have no right discussing it because its got NOTHING to do with us. And its shallow because well, they're JUST actors. The don't actually DO anything that important you know?Not like doctors or engineers or even lawyers. And yet, they're paid SO much, just to "play pretend".

The above piece in red, is basically what intellectuals or wannabes anyway would say when people like me say "what's wrong about discussing the lives of these actors in Hollywood and Bollywood?". You THINK that you're making me feel stupid when I don't join you with your spirited discussions about the economic situation of the world, the APEC summit, the various situations around the world regarding yet another country not getting along with some other country and etc. What you don't realise is that actually, just because I don't join in with your dicussions, doesn't mean I'm not aware. I agree that yes, I'm probably not as intellectual as you are; that my interests aren't as high-brow as yours are. That doesn't make me DUMB. I DO have interest in world affairs. The fact that I'm in the arts faculty should already give you a hint. You can't be in the arts fac and not be interested in world affairs. I mean I had even planned on majoring in Political science. I just either haven't come up to date on the various PROBLEMS of the world or I jsut choose to focus on the more frivolous things in life because life is stressful enough as it is for me to try and solve the world's issues by arguing with YOU about them.

So when I mention something about the Bollywood industry, some GOSSIP, don't dismiss me in your head as me being fluffy and frivolous. Everything has its function in the world, INCLUDING things like ridiculous Bollywood flims, and chick flicks/lit. Worse still, you dismiss me in you head as being silly, but in conversation, you still smile and try and engage me in another world affair. I might be showing my age when I start blabbering about some actor doing something, but at least I HAVE an interest in SOMETHING that other people can relate to. Cuz sometimes you gotta have neutral conversation topics lying your brain, like the ChrisBrown/Rihanna story cuz not everyone is going to be like me(someone who tries to follow your conversation and provide appropriate comments), and soon people will stop trying to talk to you cuz it just requires too many brain cells.

You KNOW what I mean.

Anyway, now that I've gotten THAT off my chest, I'd just like to mention something that I noticed. For some reason, I've been seeing a lot of Bollywood movie stars on the small screen. DOING ADVERTISEMENTS. Yes. Its some trend I think that's going round. Which I personally do not approve of. Why you ask? Well, it takes away jobs for actors out there who DO need the money, unlike the Bollywood stars. Let me name the ones I've noted.
Anusha Sharma(the most recent I've noticed)
Katrina Kaif
Rani Mukherjee
Deepika Padukone
Shah Rukh Khan
Aamir Khan
Vidya Balan
Hrithik Roshan
and that Aladin girl(I don't know her name cuz I haven't watched the movie yet and she's NEW)

Now don't you think that's odd? I mean they appear ALL the time. And the advertisements arne't even anything special, except for the appearence of the stars(with the exception of Hrithink Roshan's one of course) Cuz normally, the adverts in the Hindi channels are exceptionally entertaining as I've mentioned, but now they've dropped their quality, just because they've got some star?
*shakes head* Terrible. No excuse. It should actually be even more entertaining, cuz they're supposedly better actors, hence able to do more complex acting. Unless you're telling me there's a derth of actors in India? Which is just such a ridiculous concept. SO yeah. anyway, that's all I really wanted to say. So ciao!

love love

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