Wednesday, December 16, 2009

books vs shoes

Went to the Bookfest today at Suntec and bought like 8 books and my FAVOURITE pens in the entire world so at the end of the night, I was in the BEST mood.

See buying a book makes me more happy than buying anything else. Whenever I go shopping, I like to look at shoes, or jewellery with clothes the last on the list. However even shoes can't compare to books. Seriously. I LOVE shopping for books and it makes me the MOST happy and so i was in a brilliant mood, and I mean absolutely glowing! Cuz i mean earrings or like shoes, yeah, they're new and pretty and everything, but with shoes, they never are completely comfortable for some reason with me and there are only so many new designs of earrings one can have. But a BOOK, is almost always unique in some way and it brings me to another place, sometimes to the point that I want to actually visit the place. Reading does that to me, at least fiction does that. Even non-fiction, like my texts and coursepacks now, are interesting to me though of course I'd much prefer to read what I like. Sigh. *floats happily away to read*

love love

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