Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm going to assume that noone reads my blog. simply because i'm too lazy to take out my diary and write in it and I'd rather type and I need to get something off my chest so I'm writing in the smallest font so people won't be bothered to take the effort to squint and read it.

I"m going to be happy and cheerful and fine and normal and nice ALL THE FREAKING TIME from now on. Depressed and crabby shini is no more. I'm going to be in a good mood all the time. At least I'll portray that. To other people. I'll only be secretly sad and depressed on the inside. By myself and not tell anyone. Because depressed and crabby shini is not fun. My sisters both say so. People miss that shini. The nice and fun and normal shini. So I'll be her again. On the outside. Cuz its really not fair to other people. So yeah. Only I hope I do a good enough job so people can't tell. And since noone reads the blog, or at least I'm assuming here, its all good. Cuz i mean sad people are overrated and EVERYONE seems sad and having problems. so a positive person is attractive and useful.


1 comment:

  1. yeap.. no one made the effort to squint at all.. :)


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