Sunday, January 23, 2011

I thought I was imagining things when people say things like " your mother isn't used to you having all your own plans and stuff", I KNEW that my mother has basically no problem with my independence and she's not depending on me for things to do and stuff.

But just now she said that she wants to go and walk by the beach for like exercise in the evening and she wants me to go with her and like run because of COURSE and AS USUAL she's on me to lose weight. I on the other hand had an idea(yes as expected i have not acted upon it yet but i've been sick so sue me) whereby I'd bring my readings to the gym and use both the stepping machine and the bike and read while I work my legs, seeing as my thighs are the biggest issue. Plus there are the machines to use for the arms and as long as I don't run on the damn treadmill which i HATE, I should be fine. I really cannot stand the treadmill because it just makes my inferiority complex worse with all those damn numbers. At least when I run at the canal, I can just conveniently forget how long I took to jog 2km.

Sigh whatever la I'll go and do my OWN thing at the gym and go with mama as well. One can never have too much exercise.Specially since I'm hopeless at dieting.


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