Sunday, October 10, 2010

Romance and BGR

First of all, I know I'm old enough for them not to be called BGR but I felt nostalgic.

Anyway, moving onnnnnn, I know I talk and complain a LOT about being single, and its highly annoying to everyone (including myself) so I've been trying to cut down on the whining. However, I find relationships very interesting so I just like talking about them.

I was wondering, would you be in a relationship, if you knew that you don't see it as a long term thing? What I mean is, I mean you're not having sex or anything, but yeah la making out and stuff. However you know without a shadow of a doubt that you don't see you two lasting forever and ever, amen. You for example, don't see you getting married to each other. In fact, unless there are DRASTIC changes, you don't want to even entertain the idea of marriage. And let's face it, every girl or at least almost every girl thinks about marriage or the idea of it. Even at the age of like 16 or something.

Then, what's the point of the relationship in the first place? I know there are relationships where, you don't want to become attached, and its casual. But I'm talking about full on boyfriend and girlfriend, albeit a bit PG 13 la the action. Gifts are exchanged and everything. Almost like a YEAR. Then? No point right? If you don't see a future, or as long-term, then frankly what's the point in even continuing it for NOW. At some point you're going to have to grit your teeth, sit down and Break Up with the Person. It's also not very fair to the person right, them thinking that they have a very happy future together and stuff and you're sitting there wondering "how the HELL do I break up with this person!?" . Just stringing them along is not fair and just wastes time. So yeah I plain don't see the point in all of it.

Okay, new idea. I am actually quite glad that I'm single. I truly am. I mean I don't think I can handle the pressure and the stress. FROM MY MUM AND DAD AND EVERY RELATIVE AND FAMILY FRIEND. Seriously. My parents are such social butterflies, bloody know everyone and drag US everywhere so even if the friends don't remember our names, for SURE cannot forget faces right? Can you imagine having to worry about at LEAST 50 odd people seeing you when you're out with boyfriend? I'm stressed just THINKING about it. And then, when you want to go out, always must say you're going out with someone else. and DON'T take pictures. and like when you want to go out with alibi friends, for real, your parents are wondering why you're going out with them when you JUST saw them last week. So you tell another lie. Literally a WEB is created, of lies. Its jolly ridiculous la. And the sheer number of people you have to draw into your web as covers is substantial too. All because your parents dont think you should DATE. Because they dont trust the guys. Who CARES about the guys! You should trust your DAUGHTER right? If she is not interested, she's not going to let the dude get FAR. And if she does like him and get asked out ,you should be happy cuz it means that your daughter is not hideous and won't die alone. What, you really think she'll get pregnant or contract a STD on the date? Is she THAT easy? or stupid to get "raped" while on a date?
I mean she was disturbing enough to cut out articles about murders and rapings and fires and death for nearly a YEAR and put them in a scrapbook. She's quite well-versed in what to look out for and to protect herself. Honestly.
would you rather she lie and sneak around or to tell you straight in the face that she has a boyfriend? Because as weird as it is (specially for Asians), daughters or least some, still want you the parents to know about their lives, so that they can advice and prevent heartbreak. Deep deep down, they do. And wouldn't you want to know EVERYTHING that's going on in their lives? How would you feel if there were some things that you didn't even KNOW about? All because you have some warped views on how your children should live like. abit hypocritical don't you think? Because you didn't adhere to YOUR parents' view of how you should live.


1 comment:

  1. i feel like you and me are the only people on the face of the planet who dont date or have a boyfriend. which btw so many people consider it so sad.

    but i completely agree with you. i dont see the point in dating someone i know I there isnt a 1% chance of wanting to marry him.I just see the point in that. Seems like alot of work and wasted time and drama.

    i truly am glad i'm single because at this point of my life, Im too independent and trying to figure out things. I think if the right person comes along, I'll give it a chance but till then I am happy to be doing my own thing and having fun with life. Who says you need a boyfriend to be complete? probably women who are unhappy with themselves...

    i absolutely cannot stand people who are serial daters but thats another story for another day..

    my parents and i dont talk much about dating. it is way too awkward even though im already 20 now!! i figured i'll probably tell them im dating someone when i get engaged lol!!


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