Sunday, November 28, 2010

Its amazing what lessons you learn when your mother goes to Sydney for 3 weeks.
Already in the first week I learnt that I really should never do the dishes without gloves, which SHE's been trying to do for the past 4 years at the very least.
And I've also realised that the damn laptop IS bad for me. I've got a bloody headache from the glare I think. Unfortunately, I learnt this particular lesson at the wrong time when I HAVE to be staring at the screen, memorising points for the exam tomorrow.

Wonder what I'll learn in the 2nd week.


P.S. "mama can you hurry up and come HOME? its weird here. "
Wouldn't it be ridiculously ironic if I, a Political Science student, did badly in a module called Government and Politics of Singapore? A module that Computing and Engineering students take as an Arts GEM(General Exposure Module to those non-NUS peeps) or as a Singapore Studies module. I mean how can you take yourself seriously if you can't even argue intelligently and defend your opinions about you own country's politics? And yet, because its my LAST paper, and its over the damn weekend, and I had so much time to study for it, I have no motivation to study for it, so that is why i'm back to having 24 hours to study for it.

Its like I don't LEARN from past mistakes. Seriously, how stupid can one person BE?
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"-don't know who said/wrote it and I know its not exactly appropriate in this case, but I WAS full of good intentions.

You know what shini, just screw you and your future.
GO TO SLEEP and do your usual crap, I give up.

wow. I'm crazier than I thought.

Friday, November 26, 2010


from the 4th to the 11th of DECEMBER, I will be unavailable to go out with you.

Why you ask?

Well, the blunt truth of it is that.........I'M BROKE.
Or at least I will be anyway.
So I figured I'd better inform all my friends, or rather the ones who bother to check out my blog, that I can't go out. I'd say that you are free to sponsor me on the outing, but I honestly don't like people paying for me much unless we NEED to meet and I'm truly broke or if its my birthday(then I absolutely refuse to pay a cent).

Therefore, please contact me, after the 11th, or on the 11th itself and we can set up a date!
Though I must warn you, after the 11th, my mother comes home from her UBER-long trip in Sydney, and she'll have lots of plans for the rest of the month, sooooooo you may have to fight with that for my dates. (i like sounding extremely popular, but the truth of it is that I'm dying to go out and meet you guys)
Just to warn you the 12th and 18th are already booked and probably another date as well, maybe the 19th cuz we have yet to host our annual DIWALI EXTRAVAGANZA for the parents' friends and offspring. SO yeah that's the short of it.

Oh! But you're more than welcome to call and stuff? Cuz I'll be most likely spending my days at home, re-arranging wardrobes and drawers and reading and baking(?) and maybe cooking(best not to call when i'm doing the latter 2; i might bite your head off, or you might hear some hysterical screaming and weeping) so yes, I'll be a good little home-maker (mother would be so proud).

Anyway, this brings me to the point that money is an extremely sensitive issue huh? People don't like outwardly talking about it, or saying that they don't have any(who does really?)
I personally am fine with talking about money, or at least admitting I don't have any. Yes its a reflection of my ridiculous spending habits and my inability to save, but you know what, its okay! At least then I can GET help for it right?
I'd like to talk more about this issue, but my mind's not into it right now.
so ciao for the moment!

love love,

Friday, November 19, 2010

I wanted so badly for this semester to be better and for me to do better. But I guess a lepoard doesn't change its spots. I really really wanted to pull my CAP up and DO better, but I have a feeling that its going to be the same this time as the last. I am absolutely unprepared for my first paper tomorrow and I'm still not panicking or freaking out. I still think that I'll get it done, and I'll be fine and I'll do decently well. Just because I got B+ for the essay, does not mean I'll do well for the exam itself. And it is a huge percentage of the final grade.
What's wrong with me? Why can't I learn from My lessons and others? How can I preach to my sis and her friend about not studying in time and enough for their A levels when I'm doing the same thing now?

Sigh. The thing is, when I decided to be more positive as person and stop becoming a bitch when I have deadlines and exams but isn't this behaviour just ridiculous optimism? Foolish idealism? How can I do well if I don't study enough?

And at the same time, all I can do now is to just pull myself up, and force myself to study and BE OPTIMISTIC.
*rolls eyes*

sigh common shini you can do this!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

you're not supposed to badmouth your family members on the internet, specially if your friends can see it. but if your family members are the ones that are putting you in a foul mood, and you can't take it, THEN what do you do?

keep it in?
write in a diary?
or just distract yourself with booze/music/comedies/food and forget about it?
why is it any of anyone's business what my size is or my weight?

I mean seriously, why to people tell ME that I cannot become fat, or put on weight? Its absolutely none of their business at ALL! I mean what am I aesthetically unpleasing to the eye that you have to TELL me that I need to lose weight? Or try and be "polite" and HINT that I should not get fat? what so that in the future I'll be able to get a good-lookin guy to marry me? like seriously!

IT IS ABSOLUTELY NONE OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS!!!! especially since its my bloody body and I'm not even obese or anything. Sure I'm fat if you want to say so but its not like a problem that can't be solved. If you're telling me that I am single because I'm unattractive because of my size, than screw you, you shallow creature. Furthermore, IF i was determined enough and worried enough i COULD lose the required weight and tone and SLIM down in time. So please, don't worry yourself about my size and my weight. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself without any help.
oh and also, I may laugh at jokes about my curves, but if you push me on a bad day, when I really AM feeling down and bloated about it, I WILL rip your head off.
Just a friendly warning.