Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wouldn't it be ridiculously ironic if I, a Political Science student, did badly in a module called Government and Politics of Singapore? A module that Computing and Engineering students take as an Arts GEM(General Exposure Module to those non-NUS peeps) or as a Singapore Studies module. I mean how can you take yourself seriously if you can't even argue intelligently and defend your opinions about you own country's politics? And yet, because its my LAST paper, and its over the damn weekend, and I had so much time to study for it, I have no motivation to study for it, so that is why i'm back to having 24 hours to study for it.

Its like I don't LEARN from past mistakes. Seriously, how stupid can one person BE?
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"-don't know who said/wrote it and I know its not exactly appropriate in this case, but I WAS full of good intentions.

You know what shini, just screw you and your future.
GO TO SLEEP and do your usual crap, I give up.

wow. I'm crazier than I thought.

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