Sunday, December 5, 2010

Broke and Upset about it

Hello again children.

I thought I'd be fine with the whole being broke thing.

Unfortunately, I'm not.

There are simply too many things out there that I want to buy and that I supposedly "need" and people that I really do need to meet and meeting friends cost money anyway you look at it.


And don't give me the "get a job" spiel. By the time I FIND one, the hols'll be over and I'm back at school. And I can barely negotiate a school timetable, that ends exactly when I want it and has a 3-day work week let alone a job thrown in. So I'm just going to like stick to pocket money.

But wow, I need to find things to do that don't require money at all. Though I suppose one can't do anything without transport so I'll try to come up with things to do without spending money AT ALL.

1. exploring the big houses near my area.
always wanted to do this but somehow never got round to doing it during the 8 month break or the 3 month summer hols. pathetic i know.

2. exercising
( i dont particularly enjoy this suggestion, but its so smack in your face, I had to type it)

3. re-arranging drawers and wardrobe and clearing of STUFF
again i don't enjoy this but it HAS to be done and doesn't require a cent.

I like the water. but this is strictly for people who already HAVE seen me in a swim suit and that limits it to like 2 people apart from my parents' friends' children.
And they're not in town currently.

5. Visiting a museum.
I think my student card lets me enter for free for most exhibits, though I'm not sure about Pompeii. Still, would be a good outing. plus, lots of walking(=exercise) involved.

6. Going to Botanic Gardens and people gazing/cloud-watching.

7. Randomly coming up with a dance routine for a song(may come in handy in the future).
*note: time and energy required and cannot be performed in public space*)

8. Visit a friend?
(this is NOT called free-loading)...........okay well maybe it is.

Okay I can't come up with anything else at the moment and I desperately need to sleep so that I can wake up at 7 to go and RUN (its more of a SLOWWWWW jog but yes, must be done sooo..... gotta go)

tons of love, and shall continue this REAL soon.


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