Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello hello children!
I know I've been MIA from this blog but let me just say that its not because i have nothing to write about but for some reason, I had this inertia to start writing. Strange I know but I finally felt that I should at least write about the new year and all that.

Personally I'm quite terrified about the new year starting. I have some things that I have to do in 2011 and that makes me apprehensive. There are quite a few things so let me elaborate.
1. I'm taking part in World MUN (Model UN) which is being hosted by NUS for the first time ever and I'm going to be one of the Singapore delegates. So I'll basically be interacting with various delegates, in meetings. Its a conference. I'm obviously terrified cuz if I have trouble talking in PS tutorial, how the HELL would I manage a whole bloody conference?! And yet, I know that if I prepare myself, I can do it. And its not like we're REALLY solving world problems, so yeah. Still scared though.

2. I have to get an internship during the summer break. Again, I'm quite worried about it cuz I don't have any working experience and I don't know if I can handle the jobs or not. But I have to do it and I know I can do it. So yeah, just apprehensive about that too.

3. My second year is ending. and I'm turning 21. It feels like I just only turned 20 and now I'm forced to become an adult. Like officially an adult. People say its no big deal turning 21, but it IS! I can't explain it la why I feel that way. And I don't think I'd be having a huge party by the way. I'm just not the sort. God knows my sister, mother, cousin, aunt and friends would feel that I should celebrate it though cuz all my cousins as far as I'm concerned have "celebrated" it. So, I'll have to be prepared to put up a good fight.

4. I'm going to start a diet of low carbs and regular exercise. To see if I really can lose weight or not. Of course, it will kill me, and I would be "plugged" into the laptop a lot more, cheering myself up with movies, shows, videos and music since food would no longer do it for me. I don't know how long I'd be able to do it cuz I'm not very disciplined when it comes to food. or anything really. so, we'll see how long I last, and how well I stick to it. Weirdly enough, even though its the first, I haven't actually started the diet. Thanks to my mother who bought oily but great indian food from Samy's yesterday, which we will be eating today. So, I'm just going to be like in a horrible mood for a while la.

so I'm just going to end off now, and happy new year lovlies!


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