Monday, April 27, 2009

The little things

After a "dog day" as my mother would say, you are completely exhausted and you just wanna curl up and like die or vegetate in the lovely cool bed. However, I noticed that certain small things can really cheer you up, even if its at the end of the day. Small things like unexpectedly hearing your favourite song on the radio as you're making your way home, either by public transport or by car. Suddenly, you don't feel so tired, and something about you, or within you perks up. Maybe, when you see a hot guy while walking home, and he smiles at you, or you discover at work, a chocolate bar you had bought earlier but somehow forgetten about, can really REALLY perk you up, and improve your mood. I just witnessed it today with my mother, when a favourite old hindi song came on the radio as we were driving home after she's had a challenging day. She was quite happily singing along and I just quietly observed.

So cheers to all those little things that make us or at least YOU guys feel that life isn't all that awful! And have a great day people!!!


*Notice how short this entry is? Amazing huh? Plus, notice the "loves" at the end? I'm clearly ina fabulous mood. heehee

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