Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hello hello. I think I've talked about death before on this blog, but I can't remember if I mentioned these things or not, so I'll talk about them here.

What happens AFTER we die? Its a question MANY MANY people have been asking since, they figured out what dying meant. Lots of organizations believe in different things. The science people, believe that simply, your heart stops beating, ie. no more bloody being supplied to your brain and other organs, and your brain dies and you simply stop functioning as a human being. I THINK, note , I said think not I know that religions such as Christianity and Islam believe in Heaven and Hell, which is, I think, where the souls of the people go, depending on how they lived their lives on Earth. I also THINK that Hindus, believe in reincarnation, and that depends on your karma, which depends on your deeds. Now I'm not an expert on World Religion or anything like that, but I am a Hindu, and I really DO believe in re-incarnation and karma. Those concepts truly seem logical to me. And by right, if anyone had sense, they wouldn't fight with me on this, because its faith and faith, cannot be PROVEN. If something seems logical to you, or it appeals to you and you believe in its concept, then people shouldn't fight about that topic. Especially when nothing can be proven, because if there's one thing that all the organizations agree on, its that you CAN'T COME BACK FROM THE DEAD.

This is why people should never argue or discuss religion loudly and forcefully, but be open minded and tolerant and not to force your opinions and beliefs or other people. If people had realised this and mastered this, many many people's lives could have been saved. To me, karma makes sense because its simple. You do bad things, you collect bad karma and eventually, you'll deserve what you get, which comes in, in the reincarnation part, where you might nto come back as humans, since being human is the highest level. And vice versa for when and if you do good deeds. And the reincarnation makes sense because in MY mind, its always like, "you mean it doesn't get crowded in Heaven and Hell? and where do the soul parts of us come from?" you know? Yeah, my brain can't wrap itself around that.

You're probably wondering why on Earth am I talking about THIS, now, of all times. Well, its bee floating aorund in my head for a while and I finally came up with a right way for phrasing it such that people (i hope!) don't get offended. If anyone has been offended by anything I wrote, I do apologise. That wasn't my intention at all.

I'm actually quite tired now, and I have a whole week of orientation activities to go through. Looking foward to them I think.

For some very strange reason, I have this bhajan from this morning's ashadivar in my head. Its like stuck and it keeps going round and round. Its never happened before, let me tell you that. Oh well, bhajans can't be bad right? okay, tata, yawning already. night night!


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