Friday, February 20, 2009


Okay, this is going to be a short post, because my mum's gonna pick me up to do some errands with her and I'm not even ready to leave yet. I just want to ask people out there, do u have really WEIRD dreams? like super vivid ones where people whom you've not even thought about for years suddenly appear and play such an important role in the dream? I mean i just had the WEIRDEST dream and it was super long! The problem with such dreams is that i have them so often and though they are mighty interesting, the deprive me of valuable sleep! so i end up sleeping for an even longer period of time because i'm still tired! Nowadays i long for those dreamless sleep sessions, kinda like the nap i had yesterday int eh afternoon. Unfortunately that sort of thing only happens when i'm so thoroughly exhausted that i fall asleep without any notice to my sub-conscious.

What gets me thinking is that what the hell was i doing before such strange dreams appear?!! Cuz let me tell you, some or many of them have strangers in them. sigh. okay, i think i've run out of steam(already warned everyone out there that this might happen), so i'm going to go off an dget ready. bye!


1 comment:

  1. oh my shini darl! haahs u finally haf a blog~ juz when i'm thinking of closing mine down too hahahas.

    haahs anws keep writing dear! i enjoy ur writing very much =))) *huggx* ^^
    -missing ya- <3<3<3


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