Thursday, May 7, 2009


You know what are the things I like about soccer? Let me list them down.

1. The cheers of sheer delight on the coaches faces when there's a goal scored. I swear, have you seen Sir Alex Ferguson jumping up and down when a Man U player scores a goal? Bloody hilarious i tell you.

2. The actual scoring of the goal! So exciting!! Really. Just to see how its done, very interesting.

3. To see how the players pass the ball effectively to each other.

4. The points in the match when the players, like, get tangled into each other. Soccer is such a violent sport!

5. God the players are soooooo hot! Well, some of them anyway.

There are other things too, but Ireally can't remember them right now. Also, for some reason, soccer players are rather touch-feely, don't you think? Heads, backs, butts. A bit suspicious to me i think. Anyway, I'm getting too distracted to continue. But before i go off, I must say this. Just because I have started to follow soccer proper, doesn't mean I understand the whole game completely. I have no idea what the difference is between a free kick, a penalty and a foul, if there even IS one. And, the only reaosn why I know what a corner could be is becauseof the location!! I mean hello? its AT the corner! And what the HELL is the offside rule?! I swear, i have so many questions even when I watch each match. But i still can enjoy the games. So yeah. OH! Its time for the Barcelona vs Chelsea match, LIVE! Ciao!


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