Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I happened to be talking to this guy some time ago, and I happened to be telling him about how I'd run my life in the future.

For example, like I AM NOT doing my future husband's laundry(should i even get married). And how I'd learn cooking, not to cook FOR my husband, but cuz its a good skill to have and I'd learn dishes that I like to eat, not to be a perfect wife and daughter-in-law. I probably won't be the perfect daughter-in-law cuz i'm not going to be a housemat for the husband. None of the I do the housework and cooking AND go to work. If you're gonna live in the house, you gotta do your share too. I told all this to him and well, he was surprised.

Thinking about all this now, I still believe in what I said. However, I am wondering if I sound like a feminist or not. I mean there's nothing wrong with being feminist but I don't want to be labelled. Plus I've also heard that guys are scared of dominating females. And I'm actually a shy girl you know so I don't want to send of the wrong impression. But I can't pretend I'm one person, when I'm another.

Sigh. I think marriage is something that's waaayyyy in the future. And its ridiculous to think about it now. But still! Ah, never mind. Anyway i'll be back probably to off load some other thoughts that were stimulated by socio. Which is what i'm supposed to be studying. I'm on Family, in case you're wondering.


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