Thursday, November 26, 2009


Mama told me something interesting. Apparently she breastfed me for only 3 months, like with the breast. Then I think she needed to switch over, to go back to work, so when she did, she expressed the milk into a bottle right? So she wanted to feed me with the bottle. GUESS WHAT?

I absolutely refused to drink from it! Apparently I was so angry that she switched, I think I liked the mother-daughter time when she breastfed me or something, that I refused to drink any milk the WHOLE DAY! Mind you, I was like 4 months old or something. I think I just kept crying and refusing the milk. My mother said she'll never forget that day, cuz she was so stressed cuz for small baby, milk is fed every 4 hours and like whole day I didn't drink anything. Stubborn as a mule she said. HOWEVER, I just said that at that age, without any environmental factors, the stubborness is just the genes so she has herself and papa to blame. Which is true what!She knows herself that she is stubborn so yea. i truly never knew about that story.

anyway, I felt like putting that up. I'm feeling kinda tired, but shall persevere and go read.

love love

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