Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today, though it was hideously hot in the morning and afternoon, when the time for our picnic rolled around, of course the rain clouds would appear. i felt that people were somewhat reluctant to carry out the picnic as planned at ECP, but mummydearest really really wanted to have it there, because she, like me, loves the beach. To give her credit, the drizzling DID stop. eventually. i think everyone had a great time and there was enough food, such that we didn't even have to buy more from MacDs, like we've had to do so previously. Plus, since we had 6 extra beach chairs, pretty much everyone was comfortable. AJ was a genius, becuase she brought this food warmer thingy with charcoal, kinda like a portable bbq pit, so that we could heat up the otah otah and the chicken curry. And mama's idea to bring our century-old"boombox" as G would call it was brilliant, though it required like 20 batteries to keep it going for the whole night. It helped that there were radio stations that ran hindi music, and that it was a sat, since the m'sian station, doesn't have hindi music on sun.

The rain kept everything wet and damp, but it was also wonderfully cool, not at all muggy or humid. The sky was strangely pinkish grey(to me anyway), and i've entrusted G with the responsibility of finding out why this is so from his geog teacher, since i no longer am in verbal contact with mine. The only thing that made me uncomfortable was the lightning that kept appearing throughout the night. You couldn't really see it from our spot exactly, except that yous aw the sky lighting up. But if you sat at the bence a little further away, which 4 of us did, since it was closer to the beach area, you could actually see the shape of the lightning strike, off int he distance, alarmingly close to those many lights at sea, signifying the many boats and ships docked out there. Strangely enough, the lighning, didn't look pure white, the way it always looked, but slightly pinkish-purplish. Again, i was wondering what's up.

I love it when it rains but something that has never failed to freak me out is lightning. Thunder not so much, not the howling wind or the sheets and sheets of water. Lightning really scared me, probably because u never knew when it was going to happen, it was extremely extremely fast, and it was powerful. It was pure electricity!(i don't know the exact terms but you know what i mean!) I mean if that's not scary i don't know what is. And what made it worse was the knowledge that i had hat singapore had the highest number of lightning strikes IN THE WORLD. I kid you not. One of the few things spore is top in the world for and it has to be THIS. This life-threatening thing! Rain, is lovley and wet, and yes, you can get sick from playing in it, but its fun. Lightning just makes it not fun, no matter which way you look at it. In the end, at around 11 something, when the rain began again, we left and this time since i couldn't really SEE the lightning, i enjoyed it. the rain i mean.

Okay, this is SO not relevant, but i just wanted to put this down. You know you and someone(can be anyone, friend, relative, whatever), is close when both of you enjoy "bitching" or "making remarks" about passing people, as you people-watch, together, even though the number of people walking is down to a trickle since its late at night at the beach. Also, something else, whisle i am more clear about uni life and education, i am even MORE confused and undecided on what my major should be. I'd love for it to be sociology but my parents prefer me to do political science because they think the socio degree is nothing short of useless. worse still, previously i had thought the confusion was between thses two choices but now i'm also considering geography! talking to the prof today the booth, and seeing the modules, reminds me how much i'm interested in geography. Maybe i could do it as minors? well, i don't know. I do know that again i've run out of steam and am strangely sleepy, plus my arm hurts, probably from carrying the barang barang for the picnic-GOD I'M UNFIT AND PATHETIC. PLUS I'VE PUT ON SO MUCH WEIGHT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. I HAVE TO LOSE AT LEAST 5 KG I SWEAR. but i have like zero discipline whenit comes to dieting. starving can. if im stressed or if i have my monthly friend, but cannot diet. exercising, maybe, if i really and truly drag myself there. sigh. going off to wallow in self-pity. byes!


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