Monday, June 22, 2009

I don't want to live till I'm 100. I know, this is like a totally random thought and if my mother were reading this(god I hope not), she'd say, that it is very random, because I always just barge into her room and ask her something that is absolutely out of the blue and she often tells me off about it.(p.s. sorry about hte strange language, mind not working properly right now for some reason). Anyway, I was thinking about this on the way back from Father's Day dinner in CHANGI (bloody far la from my place) with the extended family. We already celebrated father's day+dad's birthday yesterday, since it was his birthday.

So yeah, since the drive was SOOOOOOOO long, I had a lot of time to think about this.
I don't want to live till I'm 100, especially when it has been predicted that our natural resources will run out by 2050. Now who wants to live through all the pathetic human beings, struggling to find ways of surviving WITHOUT our precious natural resources?! Not me! So then I figured, well, deciding when you want to die is all well and good but you never know. You might not have the chance to decide, because people go very suddenly all the time! Like its scary right? All that unfinished business. Which is why I think its very important to have a sort of last will and testament for yourself, legal or just informal. Since I like typing, and I'm already on my blog account, I thought I might just put a very rough edition of my last will and testament here. Of course, by right, parents will take care of everything, since I'm not an adult. However, I am over 18, so I figured, some choice could be given to me. Okay. Let's start.

1. All my jewellery, real or costume, to my sister and mum
2.All my clothes, must be given to organizations that send clothes to the poor in other countries, except items like my favourite scarf.
3.Ditto for all my shoes, except my clogs, because that truly is my most treasured possesion and it MUST be kept.
4. My laptop, of course goes to sister, and I suppose they can sell or give away my phone, camera, iriver and iTouch. But, the CDs that I burned for myself, MUST be kept.
5. All by books(I have LOTS), can be sent to a secondhand bookshop, except certain titles, like The Good Earth, The Trouble with Ally, and my lit texts with the writing in them. Some others too, but I can't remember now.
6. All my mementos fo my friends, I suppose, can be thrown away, because obviously they won't mean anything to anyone but me.
7. Some other things I want to be kept, at least for a while, like my "piggybank", and one of my old wallets and my IC.

Obviously all these things, and the fact that I'm listing all these items down, seem quite silly, and touch wood, I will live a long long time. I suppose I just feel comfortable la. Anyway, I gotta go. Feeling a little hungry. ciao for now.


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